About Us

In life, and in business, we find humans fascinating. As a group of individuals, we have learned that we share a passion, a love of getting to the truth, to the final twist.

We are those people at your dinner party who are constantly remarking, “Did you know?...” Whether it’s the literal difference between a biscuit and a cake, or the increased reliance of Australian youth upon their peer’s opinions, we are talking about it, referencing, and double-checking.

We are not a big agency, nor do we operate or charge like one.

At Not Far From The Tree, our staff, have flexible contract options which allow our consultants to follow their passions. When we are not researching, we might be making Digital Art, conducing Outreach Social Work, or International Relations, or even racing around the countryside performing Emergency Medicine.

Using a small management and administrative team, we commission trusted Freelance Researchers, Psychologists, Sociologists, Statisticians and Quantitative Agencies at great rates.


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